
Elspeth Guthrie
それとは対照的に、精神力動的精神療法は認知行動療法という若い弟に比較してかなり停滞している。理論は発展したと思うが、力動的治療の有効性について対照試験で検証する仕事は停滞している。治療をマニュアル化することについての熱い関心、治療中に客観的アセスメントをすることの侵襲性、オーディオテープの使用、「無意識のプロセス」を測定することの困難、力動変化ではなく症状の強調、これらが語られてきた。しかし結果として、力動的精神療法に関しては比較対照評価がほとんどないし、the Review of Strategic Policy in the UK (Parry & Richardson,1996) も Roth & Fonagy (1996)による精神療法に関しての最近の出来のいいレビューも、力動的精神療法に関しては比較対照試験がもっと必要だと強調している。
力動的療法に関しての治療成績調査が比較的欠如していることは重大な影響を及ぼしている。経験的なエビデンスがないうちは、力動的治療を治療の選択のひとつとして推薦することはできない。アメリカでは臨床経験と実験に基づく治療 ESTs; DuRubeis & Crits-Christoph,1998 が認知されて定義されてきた。マニュアル化された精神療法のいくつかは、精密に定義された対象に対して比較対照試験で有効性が証明された。将来は、アメリカの治療者は、臨床経験と実験に基づく治療ESTで認知されていない精神療法を行うと、法律に触れることになるかもしれない。またアメリカのトレーニングコースの中には臨床経験と実験で確認された治療法しか教えないところもある。
悲しいことに、精神力動的精神療法は強烈で複雑で、科学的信頼性のない治療と揶揄されてきた。しかし次第にエビデンスが増えてきているのだが、対人関係に基礎をおく治療法は認知療法と同じ程度に有効であり、発展すれば認知療法の代替物となるだろう。クラーマンらの対人関係療法はうつ病や摂食障害に、認知療法と同等に有効であると示されている。対人関係療法は反復性うつ病に有効であり、HIV陽性者のうつ病に有効である。認知分析療法がもうひとつの対人関係に基礎をおく治療法であり、イギリスで次第にポピュラーになりつつある。Anthony Ryleが発展させ、無作為比較対照試験で公式に評価されていないが、オープンスタディでは有望である。境界性人格障害の治療における認知分析療法の無作為比較対照試験が計画されている。
精神力動的対人関係療法は R. F.Hobsonによって30年以上にわたり開発され洗練されてきた。R. F.Hobsonは leader in Psychotherapy at the University of Manchester and a former Training Analyst of the Society of Analytical Psychology in London.である。1983年にトレーニング内容とマニュアルが初めて作られ、簡略化マニュアルとうつ病治療の測定スケールが作られた。Margison & Hobson (1983)がビデオ教材を作り、3巻でだいたい分かる。治療は比較的学びやすくスキルは少なくとも2年維持される。このモデルの発展を書いた本やマニュアル、最近の研究などがもうすぐ出版される(Barkham ら,1999)。
2-2。Language of mutualityIn psychodynamic interpersonal therapy, the therapist explicitly refers to the relationship between therapist and patient in terms of first-person words T and ‘we’. This indicates an active and mutual involve ment in exploration. It also facilitates a deepening of the relationship between the therapist and the patient and accentuates a directness of communication.
2-3。Negotiating styleThe ‘how’ of the therapist’s talk is crucial. The therapist is really trying to say to the patient or service user: “this is how I see things now, but I might not be right, I may have misunderstood, I’d like you to help me see things more clearly”. A negotiating style produces an atmosphere of collaboration between the patient and therapist where deeper understanding is reached through a series of gradual adjustments of meaning which get closer and closer to the patient’s experience.
2-4。MetaphorUse of metaphor in literature refers to the fusing of two or more images and/or ideas to bring a new experience and a new order and meaning. Metaphor is not exclusive to psychodynamic interpersonal therapy, but it is often used by therapists to bring vividness to an idea, to expand understanding of an experience or concept, and to deepen the level of emotional exchange between the patient and the therapist. The following example shows how the metaphor of a ‘spring’ can be used to explore a patient’s feelings of tension and frustration.
Patient: “I feel on edge all the time… I just can’t settle…”Therapist: “Sounds as if you feel sort of wound up.”Patient: “I feel myself getting tighter and tighter inside… everything’s rigid…” Therapist: “… feels a bit like you feel like a spring that’s all coiled up being turned tighter and tighter.”Patient: “Yeah, I think sometimes people do things deliberately to wind me up… I’m sure I’m going to just snap.”
2-5。Understanding hypothesesHypotheses in psychodynamic interpersonal therapy are ways of promoting exploration and understanding of the patient’s feelings, especially in interpersonal relationships. There are some similarities between hypotheses and interpretations, which are exploratory statements, used in other kinds of interpersonal and dynamic therapies.
Hypotheses, however, are offered with much less certainty and conviction than interpretations and they are usually couched in more subtle language than interpretations, which are usually more direct.
3。Staying with feelings (focus on ‘here and now’)This technique involves focusing on what the patient is experiencing during the interview. Instead of talking about feelings in the abstract or as if they belong only to the past, an attempt is made to recreate them or facilitate the actual expression of them in the immediacy of the therapeutic environment.
4。Focus on difficult feelings’Hidden affect’ refers to two situations in therapy. The first occurs when a service user is overtly expressing a particular emotion such as anger but is unaware that he or she is angry. The second situation arises when the service user is not overtly emotional, but from a rational perspective would be expected to have strong feelings.
In the first case, the therapist may address the issue of the hidden feeling by making a cue-based intervention, but contrast the service user’s non verbal and verbal cues with what he or she is actually saying. In the second situation, the service user may seem calm or disinterested when discussing something of great emotional significance. The therapist can comment upon this.
5。Gaining insightWherever possible the therapist should try to draw parallels or point out patterns in different relation ships that the service user has had. This may involve making links between aspects of the service users’s childhood relationships and adult relationships, or between different adult relationships.
5-1。Linking hypothesesLinking hypotheses are statements that link feelings that have emerged in the therapy sessions to other feelings both inside and outside the therapy. They are invariably a way of drawing links between the patient-therapist relationship and other important relationships in the patient’s life, past or present. In this respect, they may refer to the transference relationship between the patient and therapist.

構造化された短期フォーマット精神力動的対人関係療法は短期療法でも長期療法でも使うことが出来る。短期精神療法が行われるとき、最初から安全な治療構造が確立されていることが特に重要である。Box 2 に8週間の短期精神療法の例を挙げる。ガイドであって厳格に守るべきものではない。丁重な接触が必要であり、それは治療の開始、セッションの回数、長さ、終了の日付けに至るまでである。
Box 2. Example of the structure of an eightweek therapy: brief therapy (1-8 sessions)
Initial sessionsSymptom historyStaying with and exploring feelingsNature of interpersonal relationshipsLink symptom development or maintenance to interpersonal difficultiesAssessment of relationship between patient and therapistIdentification of main problem areasInterpersonal formulationAgreement of focusReview of length of therapy with agreed date for ending
Intermediate sessionsReview symptomsRtay with feelingsFacilitate exploration of hidden feelingsIdentification of factors that aggravate symptomsReview interpersonal difficultiesReview patient’s feelings regarding sessionsExploration and linking of interpersonal difficulties to symptom formationLinking of interpersonal difficulties between patient and therapist to interpersonal difficulties in real life
Final sessionsExplicit discussion of endingLink ending to previous loss/dilemmas regarding intimacyReview symptomsFacilitate expression of negative feelingsReview insight and gains from therapyEmphasise changesReview how work can be continued by patient although therapy will endSay goodbye
Treatment for depression
There are three main studies, all of which involve a comparison of psychodynamic interpersonal therapy with CBT.They are the Sheffield Psychother apy Project (SPP-1; Shapiro & Firth, 1987; Box 3), the Second Sheffield Psychotherapy Project (SPP-2; Shapiro et al, 1994,1995; Box 4) and the Collaborative Psychotherapy Project (CPP; Barkham et al, 1996; Box 5). Two were conducted in a research setting (SPP-1 and SPP-2), and involved the recruitment and treatment of white-collar workers with depres sion from a research clinic. These studies, as described earlier, were designed to examine explanatory models and processes of change. The other study (the CPP) was carried out in a clinical setting, to determine the extent to which the outcome results from the first two studies could be generalised to National Health Service (NHS) out-patients.

In order to be recruited to any of the three studies,patients had to have symptoms of depression above a certain level. In SPP-1 service users had to score at least 14 on the Present State  Examination (PSE;Wing et al, 1974) and in SPP-2 and CPP they had to score above 16 on the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI; Beck et al, 1961). Patients in SPP-2 and the CPP were stratified  according to the severity of their depressive symptoms; mild severity (BDI score 16-20), moderate severity (BDI score 21-26) and severe (BDI score 27+).

These studies were all conducted with method ological rigour: all service users were assessed independently by researchers not involved in delivering the therapy; all sessions were audiotaped and rated for adherence to either psychodynamic interpersonal therapy or CBT; and a variety of postsession questionnaires were administered to study aspects of the process of therapy.

The form of CBT used for comparison with psychodynamic interpersonal therapy in all the studies was termed prescriptive therapy. It was manualised and included specific features designed to address  job strain, as the service users in the first two studies (SPP-1 and SPP-2) were white-collar workers, management and cognitive restructuring of work attitudes, delegation training and functional analysis and remediation of concentration and memory. The package was individually  tailored to each service user and maintenance strategies were emphasised throughout.

2013-10-02 10:26