Compr Psychiatry 2011; Advance online publication
英語版 配信日 2011-06-22
MedWire News:抗精神病薬治療歴のない統合失調症患者は、一般の人々に比べて、食事のしかたに「異常」が見られることが多いことが、エジプトの研究で明らかになった。
Zagazig University(ザガジグ大学)のMounir FawziとMohab Fawziは、Comprehensive Psychiatry誌の中で次のように述べている。「一般に、摂食障害と統合失調症の併発に関するデータ、特に抗精神病薬の影響を受けていない場合のデータは少なく、エジプトなどの途上国ではほとんど皆無である」。
被験者全員に食事態度検査(Eating Attitudes Test:EAT40)を実施し、陽性・陰性症状評価尺度(Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale:PANSS)により、患者群の統合失調症の症状重症度を評価した。
しかし、高リスク患者は低リスク患者に比べて、PANSS総得点が高かった(86 vs 79)。
Disordered eating attitudes common in schizophrenia patients
Compr Psychiatry 2011; Advance online publication
MedWire News: The prevalence of "disordered" eating is more common among antipsychotic-naïve patients with schizophrenia than in the general population, Egyptian research shows.
Writing in the journal Comprehensive Psychiatry, Mounir Fawzi and Mohab Fawzi from Zagazig University explain that "data regarding the co-occurrence of eating disorders and schizophrenia, especially when not confounded by the effects of antipsychotics, have generally remained limited; and in a developing country, such as Egypt, these data are almost nonexistent."
To address this, the researchers studied the prevalence of disordered eating attitudes among 50 consecutive antipsychotic-naive patients who attended Zagazig University Hospital between 2009 and 2010 and 50 mentally healthy controls who were matched for age, gender, and area of residence.
All of the participants completed the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT40), and those with schizophrenia were assessed for symptom severity using the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS).
Scores on the EAT40 questionnaire range from 0 to 120, with scores of 30 or more indicating a high-risk for eating disorders.
The researchers found that patients with schizophrenia had a mean EAT40 score of 23.4 compared with a mean score of 19.7 in controls.
Furthermore, 30% of patients with schizophrenia had an EAT40 score of 30 or higher compared with just 12% of controls.
There were no significant differences in demographic variables between schizophrenia patients at high risk for eating disorders and those who were not.
However, schizophrenia patients at high risk for eating disorders had higher total scores on the PANSS than those who were not, at 86 versus 79.
The researchers conclude: "Data of this study show, perhaps for the first time, that 'disordered' eating attitudes, as measured by the EAT40, are higher in a group of Egyptian patients with schizophrenia than in controls."
They add that "the presence of disordered eating behavior in patients with schizophrenia is associated with the expression of more active psychotic symptoms."